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Mental wellness is possible when you have the right people to support you.

Mental Health Student Association


About Us

UTM MHSA was founded in 2021 by Julianna Corbett. She is currently the President of the association, alongside 23 other executive members. The aim of the organization is to connect students to mental health resources available on campus, as well as educate staff and students on the importance of mental wellness. The association strives to provide individuals a community that they can engage with by sharing their own personal experiences with mental health and wellbeing. In doing so, we hope to remind students that they are not alone when they are feeling stressed, sad, or anxious.


As university students, we understand how difficult it is to seek help for our own mental health struggles. We wish to use our platform to host interactive events, engaging meetings, and highlight mental health issues we feel are prominent within the community. In doing so, our goal is to continue expanding the association to create a safe space for all UTM individuals to communicate through during difficult times, such as midterm/exam season or personal struggles. By starting this conversation, we aim to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health, and hope that you will join us in working towards making it happen.

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